Autism is a neuro-developmental profile characterised by differences in communication, social interaction, thinking style, and sensory processing. Autism can be identified in childhood or adulthood and both males and females can be autistic.
Assessments are carried out in accordance with NICE guidelines and involve gathering detailed information about an indivdual's experieinces, via multiple sources, and across settings. The practical element of the assessment is usually completed using the ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule). Members of our team are also trained in the use of the ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised), the DISCO (Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication [Differences]), The Autism Clinical Interview for Adults (ACIA), and have completed additional CPD in conducting Neuro-Affirmative Autism Assessments.
Following the assessment all the information gathered will be considered during a detailed clinical discussion amongst the team. Feedback will be given regarding assessment outcomes and neuro-affirming resources will be provided if applicable. A full report will be provided and onward referrals to relevant services can be made as appropriate.
If you have any queries regarding the process or would like to complete a referral form please contact us.