ADHD Assessment Terms and Conditions

Consent for Access to ADHD Assessment

Consent for Access to ADHD Assessment

I understand that by consenting to and attending for assessment that a diagnosis of ADHD may be confirmed.
I consent to Insight Clinic completing an ADHD assessment.
I consent to the Clinicians / Clinic keeping notes in accordance with the Data Protection Act and GDPR regulations.
I consent to the Clinicians liaising and consulting with other professionals involved.
I consent to the Clinicians sharing relevant information with other services and professionals involved.
I have read and agree to the enclosed Terms and Conditions.
For Parents / Carers of Children and Young People Under 18 Years Old: I accept that the signing responsibility for all parties with parental responsibility has been passed to me as the person signing the consent form and understand that another party with parental responsibility has the right to request and access the child’s records in accordance with the position outlined below. Anyone with parental responsibility has a statutory right to apply for access to their child's health records. If the child is capable of giving consent, access may only be given with his or her consent. If a child lacks the competence to understand the nature of an application but access would be in his or her best interests, it should be granted. Parental access must not be given where it conflicts with the child's best interests and any information that a child revealed in the expectation that it would not be disclosed should not be released unless it is in the child's best interests to do so. Where parents are separated and one of them applies for access to the medical record, professionals are under no obligation to inform the other parent, although they may consider doing so if they believe it to be in the child's best interests.
The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 confirms that only one person with parental responsibility is required to consent in matters relating to their child. We strongly advise that all parties with parental responsibility are aware of the assessment, and in agreement, before the process commences. Insight Clinic will not become involved in disputes between parties. As the person assuming consent responsibility, I confirm that this advice has been considered and understood.

ADHD Assessment Terms and Conditions

Our process follows the latest NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) Clinical Guidelines for ADHD assessments.

We use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to diagnose ADHD.

Having an assessment does not guarantee a diagnosis.


Below are the fees for our multidisciplinary NICE guidance compliant ADHD assessments. Should additional assessments be requested/required, an additional fee will be applicable.

Child and Adolescent (6 years – 17 years 11 months old):

  • £345-£800 (please see payment of fees for more information)
    • The following can be added dependent on age and clinical consultation:
      • Autism assessment + £1020
      • Cognitive assessment + £560 
      • Speech and Language assessment + £150-£250
      • Occupational Therapy (SI / DCD) assessment + £550

Payment of Fees

Initial enquiry – request for assessment information / telephone consultation – free of charge.

Pre-assessment stage – Following triage of referral form a non-refundable deposit (£115) and signed consent / terms and conditions form is required to secure an assessment.  The assessment process begins following receipt of the deposit.  The assessment is completed in stages culminating with the face-to-face assessment.  The timeline for this will depend on the waiting list at that time and the response rate for information requested.

Each payment is non-refundable once the requested paperwork has been submitted. Assessment cannot progress to the next stage until the paperwork and fee from the previous stage have been submitted.  

Stage 1 (£115) - This is a parental consultation with one of our Clinicians (online).

Stage 2 (£115) –This stage involves home and school based questionnaires. 

Stage 3A - Face to face appointment to complete the QB Check with child or young person.  This stage also typically involves preliminary feedback* of the assessment outcome.  

*Stage 3B - An additional appointment will be required with our Paediatrician if further ADHD assessment is indicated, and this will be arranged separately.  A final payment of £455 will be due before the final appointment is scheduled.  The final outcome will be given by the Paediatrician. 

Please note any future reviews with the Paediatrician will be charged by them directly.

Stage 4 – Report issued.

Cancellation Policy

Our assessments are highly specialist appointments and are in very high demand. In order to reduce waiting times and reallocate the appointment, we ask that any face-to-face appointments that need to be rearranged or cancelled are done so with as much notice as possible.  If you need to rearrange your appointment we cannot guarantee that we can accommodate this within a 4-week period. 

We endeavour to give as much advance notice as possible if Insight Clinic have any need to cancel an appointment and will aim to rearrange it in as timely a manner as possible. 

Legal Proceedings

Insight Clinic do not undertake work that may lead or link to legal proceedings, unless this is specifically discussed and agreed before the assessment commences.  An additional fee may be applicable.  


Insight Clinic are unable to work to deadlines imposed by other agencies unless this is specifically discussed and agreed before the assessment commences.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the terms and conditions.